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Strata corporations are governed by a complex set of rules and regulations, which can often lead to conflict between strata council members and strata owners. One of the most common sources of conflict is when strata council members feel that they are being bullied by strata owners. This can often happen when strata owners disagree with strata council decisions or feel that they are not being adequately consulted on important matters. While it is understandable that strata owners may feel frustrated at times, it is important to remember that bullying is not an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. If you are experiencing bullying behavior from a Strata Owner, it is important to report it to the strata council so that they can take appropriate action.

Strata corporations are complex organizations, made up of individual unit owners who each have their own rights and responsibilities. While the strata corporation itself is responsible for the common areas and shared facilities, each unit owner is responsible for their own unit. This can often lead to conflicts, as unit owners may have different ideas about how the strata property should be run.

One of the most common types of strata conflict is between unit owners and the strata council.
The strata council is responsible for making decisions about the strata property, and they may not always take the wishes of individual unit owners into account. This can sometimes lead to unit owners feeling like they are being bullied by the strata council.

Another common type of strata conflict is between unit owners and the strata property management company.
The strata property management company is responsible for day-to-day operations of the strata property, and they may not always make decisions that are in the best interests of all the unit owners. This can sometimes lead to unit owners feeling like they are being bullied by the strata property management company.

Strata community conflicts can have long reaching affects including health and wellbeing. For some the stress can be overwhelming. Owners come from varied cultural/political backgrounds; have different interests, values and are generally unprepared to address conflict in a group setting. This “community” can undergo change when there is conflict. Healthy forms of conflict can improve the community while disruptive conflict or entrenched conflicts can weaken and damage it.

So what causes the conflict that results in bullying tactics? Catalysts for conflict include:

Power – as referenced above many are motivated by power and want to hold the reigns of control. A group may believe they represent the greater good and that they have the best vision however they tend to trample over the rights of others.

Values – owners can disagree on collective goals and prioritize differently. This can be particular true when addressing financial issues.

Interests – motivations for ownership are not all the same. A strata council must act in the best interests of all owners yet individual interests can collide with the collective.

If you are involved in a strata conflict, it is important to remember that there are ways to resolve the situation without resorting to bullying or aggression. You can talk to your neighbours to try to come to a resolution, or you can contact your strata council or strata property management company to discuss your concerns. If you feel like you are being bullied, you can also contact your local anti-bullying organization for support and advice.


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