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5 Tips For Using Social Media as a Strata Owner

5 Tips For Using Social Media as a Strata Owner

 5 Tips for Using Social Media Effectively as a Strata Owner

As a strata owner, you’re automatically a part of a community. And like any good community, communication is key to making sure everything runs smoothly. Thanks to the internet, gone are the days of having to rely on paper notices or in-person meetings to get information out to your fellow strata owners. But with this increased convenience comes the need to be more mindful about how you use social media to communicate with your strata. Here are 5 tips for using social media effectively as a Strata Owner.

1. Use private groups or forums instead of public pages.

One of the great things about social media is that it allows you to easily connect with other people who have similar interests. When it comes to your strata property, this means you can join online groups like B.C. Strata Living on Facebook or forums for strata owners like StrataCommons.ca, where you can ask questions and get advice from other strata owners. But beware of using public pages instead of private groups or forums — anything you post on a public page is fair game for anyone on the internet to see, which could lead to security risks for your strata property if used incorrectly.

2. Be Active and Engaged.

Once you have joined a group or forum, be sure to participate regularly. Don’t just sit back and read what other people are saying—contribute to the conversation! The more active you are, the more likely you are to get helpful advice from other members of the group. Be sure to stay on topic and keep it relevant.

3. Ask Questions!

One of the best things about social media is that it provides a platform for you to ask questions and get answers from experts in real-time. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your peers for help when you need it. Chances are, someone has already gone through what you’re going through and can offer some valuable insights. Questions should be about a topic that is within the scope of the Strata Property Act; other relevant legislation; and living in a BC Strata Corporation.

4. Use social media to stay up-to-date on strata news.

In addition to using private groups and forums, another great way to use social media as a strata owner is to follow official strata pages or accounts. This way, you can stay up-to-date on any news or updates that might affect your strata property without having to sift through lots of irrelevant information. Use Google Alerts to get email notifications when new results for a topic show up in Google Search.

5. Be respectful and considerate when posting online.

Just as you would in real life, it’s important to be respectful and considerate when communicating with your fellow strata owners online. This means not posting anything that could be considered offensive or inflammatory, as well as being mindful of other people’s privacy by not sharing personal information without permission. If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online!

Social media is a powerful tool – but only if used correctly. As a strata owner, you can use social media platforms like Facebook to stay up-to-date on news affecting your property, join private groups and forums for advice from other owners, and even follow official pages or accounts for timely updates. Just remember to be respectful and considerate when posting online, and always err on the side of caution by keeping personal information private. By following these simple tips – joining relevant groups and forums, being active and engaged, and asking questions – you can effectively use social media as a strata owner to get the information and advice you need.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

Strata Documents: 6 Things to Consider

Strata Documents: 6 Things to Consider

What is a strata corporation and what are its key strata documents?

A strata corporation is a legal entity created when a condominium, townhouse, or rowhouse development is registered. The strata corporation owns and is responsible for the common property and assets of the development, such as the grounds, building envelope, amenities, and insurance. The strata corporation is run by an elected strata council, and its key documents include the strata minutes and financials. The strata minutes are a record of all strata council meetings, decisions, and actions. The financials include the strata’s operating budget, depreciation report, and reserve fund study. These documents are important for understanding the strata corporation’s financial health and decision-making process. If you’re thinking of buying a unit in a strata development, it’s a good idea to request copies of these documents from the strata council or your realtor.

Why you should review the strata corporation’s documents before buying a strata home in BC

If you’re considering buying a strata home in British Columbia, it’s important to review the strata corporation’s documents before making an offer. Strata corporations are responsible for the common property in a stratified building, and their financial health is a key factor in determining the long-term investment value of your strata unit. By reviewing the strata corporation’s documents, you can get a better sense of their financial stability and contingency fund levels. This information can help you make a more informed decision about whether or not to purchase a particular unit. In addition, understanding the strata corporation’s financial situation can help you plan for future repairs and maintenance costs. So before you buy a strata home in BC, make sure to review the strata corporation’s documents carefully.

How to obtain and review the strata corporation’s documents

In order to obtain copies of a strata corporation’s documents, an individual must first submit a written request to the property manager. The request should include the individual’s name, address, and contact information. Once the property manager receives the request, they will provide the individual with copies of the documents within a reasonable period of time.

The strata council is responsible for reviewing the strata corporation’s documents on a regular basis. If an individual has any concerns about the documents, they should bring these concerns to the attention of the strata council. The strata council may seek legal advice or ask for a meeting to discuss the matter further. If an individual decides to take legal action against the strata corporation, they should consult with a lawyer or notary.

Document review services can be very helpful in finding important information that could otherwise be overlooked. There can potentially be hundreds of pages of documents to review. In British Columbia you can purchase strata documents from a serice like StrataPress.com and have the documents prefessionally reviewed by Condo Clear Services, Inc. Condo Clear will not only review your documents and provide a professional summary, they also provide consulting services for strata corporations and their council.

Eli Report is another service where potential purchasers and Realtors can receive a summary report from hundreds of pages of documents. The reports are easy to read and highlight specific information that should be investigated further.

What to look for when reviewing the strata corporation’s documents

When you move into a strata property, it’s important to review the strata corporation’s documents carefully. These documents will detail the Corporation’s rules and regulations, as well as important information about damage, repairs, and insurance. Pay close attention to the conflict resolution process, as this will come in handy if there are any disagreements with your neighbours. It’s also a good idea to get to know the other members of the community, as they can be a valuable resource when it comes to dealing with any strata-related issues. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with the Corporation’s documents, you can help avoid potential problems down the road.

Questions to ask the strata corporation about its documents

When you move into a strata property, there are a few key questions you should ask the strata corporation in order to get a better understanding of the building and your rights and responsibilities as a owner. For example, you should ask to see the reserve fund study, as this will give you an idea of how much money has been set aside for future repairs and maintenance. You should also ask about the budget, as this will give you an idea of what kind of expenses you can expect on a monthly or yearly basis. Additionally, it’s important to ask about any violations that have been issued against the property, as this could impact your ability to sell in the future. Finally, be sure to ask for a copy of the bylaws, as this will help you understand the rules that all owners must follow. By asking these key questions, you can get a better understanding of your strata property and what to expect as an owner.

Other things to keep in mind when buying a strata home in BC

When you’re buying a strata home in BC, there are a few extra things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to do your research and find comparable properties in the neighbourhood. This will give you an idea of what the property is worth and whether the strata fees are in line with similar buildings. It’s also important to get to know your potential neighbours and find out what kind of community you’ll be living in. Location is another important factor to consider, as it can affect things like noise levels and access to amenities. By keeping these things in mind, you can make sure you’re making the best decision for your needs.

A strata corporation is a key part of owning a strata property in BC. As a perspective buyer, you should obtain and review the strata corporation’s documents to get an understanding of the rules that govern the building and its residents. When reviewing the documents, pay attention to things like the budget, special assessments, pet restrictions, and smoking regulations. If you have any questions about the documents or the strata corporation itself, don’t hesitate to ask. Keep in mind that there are other important factors to consider when buying a strata home, such as location and square footage. For more information about strata corporations and purchasing a strata property in BC, visit StrataPress.com today.


Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

All You Need to Know about Pet Bylaws in BC

All You Need to Know about Pet Bylaws in BC

It’s no secret that many strata corporations in British Columbia have pet bylaws in place that restrict the number and/or type of pets that are permitted to live in a strata unit. Further, some strata corporations have outright prohibitions when it comes to pets. Are these provisions legitimate?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the wording of the particular bylaw in question and the circumstances surrounding its enforcement. That said, there are some general principles that apply to pet bylaws in BC.

First and foremost, it is important to remember that bylaws are contractual in nature, and as such, they are binding on all owners, tenants and occupants of a strata corporation. This means that if you live in a strata corporation that has pet bylaws in place, you are legally obligated to comply with those bylaws. Violating a bylaw can result in fines and/or other penalties being imposed on you by your strata corporation.

Strata corporations can restrict owners, tenants and other occupants from keeping pets or certain kinds of pets through the bylaws of the strata corporation. The bylaws might do any of the following:

  • ban pets
  • limit the number of pets that can be kept
  • provide restrictions on keeping pets, such as leashing them in common areas
  • limit the kind of pets that can be kept, such as no dogs, or no dogs over 20 kilograms
  • require pets to be registered with the strata council

In order to determine if a bylaw is valid, one must look at three things:

  • the power given to the strata corporation in the Strata Property Act (“the Act”);
  • any restrictions on that power in the Act; and
  • whether the bylaw is reasonable.

Pet bylaws banning or limiting the number or type of pets cannot apply to certified guide or service dogs. Under B.C.’s Human Rights legislation strata corporations have a duty to accommodate designated classes of people including, people with disabilities who require service or companion animals.

With regard to ‘Grandfathering’ pets in update bylaws, Section 123 of the Strata Property Act only states: “A bylaw that prohibits a pet does not apply to a pet living with an owner, tenant or occupant at the time the bylaw is passed and which continues to live there after the bylaw is passed.”

Furthermore, it is worth noting that pet bylaws are generally enforceable against all types of animals, including both traditional “pets” (e.g. dogs, cats, etc.) and so-called “emotional support animals” or “therapy animals”. That said, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, fish are not typically included within the definition of “pets” for the purposes of strata pet bylaws. As such, strata corporations usually cannot impose restrictions on the number or type of fish that an owner keeps on their property.

Finally, it is important to remember that while pet bylaws are generally enforceable against all owners, tenants and occupants of a strata property, there are some circumstances where enforcement may not be possible or advisable. For example, if someone with a disability requires an emotional support animal or therapy animal for medical reasons, then enforcing a pet bylaw against them may contravene human rights legislation . As such,strata corporations should use caution when attempting to enforce pet bylaws against owners ,tenants or occupants with disabilities who require assistance animals.

Pet bylaws are a contentious issue in many strata corporations across BC. While strata corporations are well within their rights to enact pet bylaws, these bylaws must be reasonable and cannot be applied oppressively or unreasonably. If you are a pet owner living in a strata with restrictive pet bylaws and you feel that these bylaws are being applied unfairly, seek legal advice to determine your options.

In summary, while pet bylaws are generally enforceable against all owners ,tenants and occupants of a strata property ,there are some circumstances where enforcement may not be possible or advisable . If you have any questions about whether or not a particular pet bylaw can be enforced against you ,it is always best to speak with a qualified lawyer for guidance.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

5 Benefits to Being a Self-Managed Strata Corporation

5 Benefits to Being a Self-Managed Strata Corporation

A self-managed strata corporation is a type of strata property where the owners of the units within the complex take on the responsibilities of managing the property themselves, rather than hiring a professional management company or an individual manager. This can include tasks such as handling maintenance and repairs, collecting strata fees, enforcing bylaws, and communicating with owners.

A self-managed strata corporation can be a good option for smaller strata corporations with a supportive and engaged group of owners who are willing to take on the additional responsibilities. However, it can also be more time-consuming and may require a greater time commitment from the owners, particularly if the strata corporation is larger or more complex.

1. Cost savings: With a self-managed strata corporation, the costs associated with hiring a professional strata management company can be avoided, which can lead to significant cost savings for the strata corporation.

Strata living often comes with additional costs, but strata owners can take advantage of cost savings by choosing to self-manage their strata corporation. This can be a daunting task for strata owners who lack knowledge of strata-specific legislation and regulations, but those that are determined to go ahead can save significant amounts of money in the long run. By taking the responsibility of strata management into their own hands strata owners have full control over decisions and associated costs, resulting in potentially significant savings.

2. Greater control: Being self-managed allows the strata corporation to have greater control over the day-to-day operations and decision-making processes, as well as the ability to respond more quickly to any issues that may arise.

Self-managed strata living is advantageous for strata owners, as it allows strata corporations to have greater control over their decisions and operations. Since strata owners are in charge of setting up their strata council , they can tailor its structure to fit their needs and ensure that the strata operates efficiently. Additionally, self-managed strata helps strata owners manage costs since they decide when and how service providers can be used. By opting for self-management, strata owners actively partake in the decision-making process, allowing them to make well-informed choices that will most benefit their community.

3. Improved communication: A self-managed strata corporation may have better communication among the owners, as they are all actively involved in the management and decision-making process.

Strata living can be complex, as strata owners shoulder responsibility for the costs and management of the strata corporation. However, self-managed strata corporations may provide improved communication among strata owners since they are actively involved in decision-making. With strata owners taking ownership of the strata management tasks and decisions, those same owners have a better understanding of what needs to be done, and more invested in seeing it done accurately and promptly. Improved communication between strata owners is a valuable outcome of self-managed strata board involvement in decision-making and management.

4. Enhanced sense of community: Being self-managed can foster a sense of community among the owners, as they are all working together to manage and maintain their shared property.

Strata living presents an often more attractive property ownership option, despite higher strata fees, as strata owners benefit from a sense of shared community within the strata. For strata owners wishing to gain further control over their strata and reap the benefits associated with self-managed strata management, they will come to experience a renewed sense of comradery within their block; as they all work towards achieving the common goal of maintaining and improving their strata and its surrounding environment.

5. Increased accountability: With a self-managed strata corporation, the owners are directly responsible for the management of the property, which can increase accountability and ensure that things are being run efficiently and effectively.

Strata living can come with a number of costs that owners must manage to ensure common areas, insurance and strata fees are covered. One way strata owners can take full advantage of their strata management is by becoming a self-managed strata corporation. By taking on all strata management responsibilities, strata owners increase accountability and guarantee a level of efficiency that would not be available with outside strata management services. This process may require more work initially, but it is likely the long term costs for the strata corporation will be lower and those savings will go directly to the strata owners.

A self-managed strata corporation can be a great option for smaller complexes with engaged owners who are willing to take on additional responsibilities. It provides greater control over day-to-day operations and decision making processes while also reducing costs associated with hiring professional management services. Moreover, it can foster a sense of community within the complex while providing access to information that would otherwise not be available through professional management companies. If you’re considering taking on this responsibility, research your options carefully before making any decisions so you can ensure that your self-managed strata corporation will be successful!

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

3 Trends for Strata Owners

3 Trends for Strata Owners

For Strata Owners, it’s important to be up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry. This helps you make informed decisions about your property and stay ahead of the curve. Strata living has been on the rise in recent years, as more and more people are discovering the benefits it has to offer. For those who want the security of ownership without the hassle of maintaining a large property, strata living is the perfect solution. And with the strata market booming, there are more options than ever before for those looking to make the switch.

Looking to the future, strata living is poised to become even more popular. As more people seek out low-maintenance lifestyles, strata living will become an increasingly attractive option. And with advances in technology, strata properties will only become more efficient and easier to manage. So if you’re thinking about making the switch to strata living, now is the perfect time!

Here are three trends that we predict will shape the future of strata living for Strata Owners.

1. Residents are motivated by premium lifestyle offerings.
One trend we’re seeing is that residents are increasingly motivated by premium lifestyle offerings. They’re looking for properties that offer amenities like gyms, pools, and concierge services. They want to be able to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without having to leave their building. This is especially true for young professional strata owners and empty-nesters who are downsizing from a house.

2. Residents are socially & environmentally conscious.
Another trend we’re seeing is that Strata Owners are becoming more socially and environmentally conscious. They’re looking for properties that have green features like solar panels and electric car charging stations. They also want to live in buildings with social programs like community gardens and dog-walking groups. This is especially true for millennials who are just starting out in their careers.

3. Residents are seeking easy care & low maintenance.
Finally, we’re seeing a trend towards easy care and low maintenance living. Residents are looking for properties that require little upkeep and aren’t time-consuming to manage. This is especially true for busy professionals who don’t have the time or energy to deal with complex strata issues.

These are just a few of the trends we predict will shape the future of strata living. for Strata Owners, it’s important to be aware of these trends so you can make informed decisions about your property. Stay ahead of the curve by keeping up-to-date on the latest industry news!

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

How to Make the Most of Trick-or-Treating in a Condo

How to Make the Most of Trick-or-Treating in a Condo

It’s that time of year again! The leaves are falling, the air is getting crisp, and Halloween is just around the corner. For many kids, this is the most exciting time of year. But if you live in a condo, you might be wondering how to make the most of trick-or-treating. Never fear! There are plenty of ways to ensure that your little ones have a spook-tacular time.

1. A Safe and Spooky Way to Trick-or-Treat
The safest way to enjoy trick-or-treating is by traveling together as a group. Going door to door with other children in the complex or community can also make the holiday more exciting for kids. If you’re worried about knocking on strangers’ doors, consider setting up a “trunk-or-treat” event in your complex’s parking garage. This is where residents decorate their car trunks and hand out candy from a safe social distance. You can even have a contest for best decorated trunk!

2. Get Your Condo Complex in the Halloween Spirit
Decorating your condo unit is always a great way to get into the holiday spirit. But this year, take it one step further and decorate your whole complex! Organize a decorating committee (virtual or otherwise) to come up with some spooktacular ideas, then put out a call for volunteers to help make it happen. Getting everyone involved will help spread some much needed Halloween cheer throughout the complex.

3. Hold a virtual costume party or scavenger hunt
If you’re not comfortable going out trick-or-treating this year, why not hold a virtual costume party instead? You can do this easily over Zoom or another video chat platform. Just make sure to have some fun digital backgrounds prepared to set the scene! You could also hold a virtual scavenger hunt using an online platform like Geocaching.com. Hide candy around your complex (outside only!) and give clues via email or social media. This is a great way to get kids moving while they search for their sweet treats.

A great way to enjoy trick-or-treating is by traveling together as a group. Going door to door with other children in the complex or community can also make the holiday more exciting for kids. If you’re not sure who in your building would be interested in joining forces, consider sending out a mass email or posting a signup sheet in the lobby. You can also talk to your strata council about organizing a building-wide event.

There are plenty of ways to ensure that your little ones have a spook-tacular time this Halloween, even if you live in a condo. From going door to door as a group to hosting your own Halloween party, there are plenty of ways to get into the festive spirit. So don’t let living in an apartment building put a damper on your trick-or-treating plans – bring the community together and create some new traditions this Halloween season.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.