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The Importance of Annual Planning

The Importance of Annual Planning

The Importance of Annual Planning in Strata Management

Strata Managers have a lot on their plates. With only a few thousand licensed managers and a constantly growing number of strata corporations, the workload is real. Between managing requests, addressing complaints, and handling the constant flow of admin tasks, it’s no wonder it sometimes feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But there’s a way to get a little ahead of the game: annual planning. Setting aside time once a year to map out the essentials can save time, hassle, and even money in the long run.

While annual planning may not always be the most exciting, it’s a game-changer for staying ahead. It’s about capturing the regular maintenance that every building needs – like window cleaning, carpet care, roof maintenance, and landscaping. It’s not just about being organized; it’s a smart approach to budgeting, transparency, and efficiency that pays off throughout the year.


Annual planning and budgeting go hand in hand. By understanding what’s coming up in the fiscal year, you can more accurately budget for known expenses. Now is the time to review multi-year contracts for any cost increases or termination clauses and to gather quotes for big projects like spring cleaning, gutter maintenance, and pressure washing. Even if the budget isn’t finalized yet, having these quotes helps prepare for what the building might spend on these necessary services.


Owners appreciate knowing how their fees are used and what the impact of maintenance is on them. Sharing when windows will be washed or when inspections are scheduled helps reduce the number of emails and shows that management is on top of things. The more transparent and proactive the communication is, the smoother the process.

Time Saver

Let’s face it—everyone wants to save time. Putting in the effort to review contracts and arrange bids at the beginning of the year means you’re better prepared when the busy season arrives. While others might be scrambling to secure contractors, you’ll already have top choices at the best prices.

Putting It All Together

Annual plans don’t need to be complicated. A simple spreadsheet that outlines monthly maintenance tasks, key contracts, and important dates can be highly effective. Including contractor details and contract expiration dates makes next year’s planning easier. This information can be stored on the community’s online page, under documents, for even greater transparency, and maintenance can be mapped out on the community’s calendar. This way, owners know what to expect and can plan around crucial events.

In a portfolio of buildings, annual planning might seem overwhelming. However, contacting contractors for all properties simultaneously can streamline the process and keep things simple. Inputting annual maintenance into a spreadsheet and calendar is best done gradually; tackling a couple of properties at a time can make it feel manageable.

Consider timing these annual plans along with the first council meeting of the year. This way, the quotes can be presented for approval well in advance, leaving time for revisions if needed.

In the sometimes overwhelming world of strata management, annual planning is a valuable investment that keeps you a step ahead. By dedicating just a small amount of time each year, you can set yourself—and your portfolio—up for a smoother, more organized year. A well-thought-out annual plan isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s a proactive approach that fosters transparency, saves time, and creates a strong foundation for successful management.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

Annual General Meetings for Strata Corporations

Annual General Meetings for Strata Corporations

Annual General Meetings for Strata Corporations

If you are a strata owner in beautiful British Columbia, you’re probably familiar with the importance of Annual General Meetings (AGMs) for strata corporations. AGMs are crucial for making decisions, electing council members, and ensuring that your strata community runs smoothly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key aspects of AGMs, helping you navigate the process with confidence and clarity.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) serve as pivotal junctures in the governance of strata corporations, providing a forum for all owners to convene and collectively shape the future of their shared community. At these annual gatherings, owners undertake a range of crucial responsibilities, including the approval of the annual budget, the endorsement of significant expenditures via special levies or contingency reserve fund withdrawals, the election of a strata council, and the contemplation of bylaw amendments or modifications to common property rules.

Furthermore, AGMs empower owners to guide the strata council’s actions through majority votes, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns addressed. In addition to Annual General Meetings, Special General Meetings stand ready to address specific, time-sensitive issues that may arise within the strata corporation, such as the need for a bylaw amendment that demands a ¾ vote approval by owners.

We explore the intricacies of Annual General Meetings for Strata Corporations, shedding light on their significance in shaping the trajectory of these shared living spaces and the potential recourse of Special General Meetings when urgency dictates.

A. Notice Provisions

First things first, let’s talk about notice provisions. The Strata Property Act outlines strict timelines for AGM notices. Notice by mail must be provided at least 20 days before the meeting. Here’s how it’s calculated: 14 days for actual notice, plus 4 days for mailing, and counting the day of mailing and the day of the meeting. Additionally, your strata managers need some time to prepare the notice package and additional information, so factor that in.

Remember, AGMs must be held within 13 months of the last AGM or within 2 months of the strata corporation’s fiscal year-end. Proper notice ensures that all owners are informed and can participate in the meeting.

B. Procedure

The order of business for AGMs is established in your strata corporation’s bylaws. Any resolutions being proposed should be clearly outlined in the meeting notice. Resolutions requiring a ¾ vote of owners must be included in the agenda. This prevents last-minute substantive changes that could disadvantage owners who cannot attend the meeting.

To make your voice heard and prevent a minority from making critical decisions, attend AGMs in person or send a proxy expressing your wishes. While the Strata Property Act allows for some reconsideration of approvals, the time frames are tight, making it challenging to challenge decisions after the fact.

C. Outline of a General Meeting

Each general meeting adheres to a predefined order of proceedings, as detailed in either the standard bylaws or the specific bylaws of your strata corporation. While occasional minor adjustments may occur in exceptional cases, we have provided a comprehensive overview of the standard procedure below, along with insights into individual elements.

Your strata corporation’s property manager will play a pivotal role in facilitating the meeting’s agenda. We encourage you to feel at ease approaching them with any questions or uncertainties that may arise during the proceedings. Their guidance is invaluable in ensuring a smooth and informed meeting experience.

i. Call to Order

The President of the strata corporation, in their capacity as the meeting’s chairperson, will formally convene the proceedings, ideally adhering to the scheduled commencement time. In cases where some owners arrive tardily and have not completed their sign-in and registration process, it may be necessary to delay the meeting’s commencement. The property manager will apprise you when it is suitable to officially begin the meeting.

Given the property manager’s pivotal role in documenting meeting minutes and providing procedural guidance, we kindly request that the meeting not commence until their presence is ensured. As the meeting’s chairperson, we have found it beneficial, at this juncture, to introduce all council members and your property manager to the owners in attendance.

ii. Calling the Roll

The property manager will advise that they have registered owners and proxies as they have arrived and have issued voting cards to those entitled to receive them. At this point, the property manager will often explain how to use the voting cards when voting on resolutions during the meeting.

iii. Confirmation of Quorum

The Strata Property Act lays out specific requirements for achieving quorum at a general meeting. For the majority of strata corporations, the quorum is typically set at one-third of the owners who are both present and eligible to cast votes. However, it’s important to note that owners who are in arrears with their strata fees, and against whom the strata corporation has either registered or is entitled to register a lien (usually following a formal demand for payment), may not be included in the quorum count. This, of course, depends on the specific bylaws of your strata corporation.

Should a quorum not be met at the scheduled start time of the meeting, the Strata Property Act mandates a waiting period of half an hour before adjourning the meeting to the same time and place one week later. Some strata corporations have adopted bylaws that specify a waiting period on the day of the meeting, after which a quorum is deemed to be met.

If your strata corporation lacks such a bylaw and has encountered challenges in achieving quorum at past general meetings, it is advisable to discuss this matter with your property manager. They can assist you in implementing a bylaw to address this issue.

Regarding meeting procedures, it is customary for the Chair to request the property manager to confirm the presence of a quorum before proceeding with the meeting.

iv. Electing a Chair for the Meeting, if necessary

If the President of the strata council is present, your bylaws typically designate them as the Chair of the meeting, obviating the need for a separate election. In the event that the President is absent or unwilling to assume the role of Chair, the Vice President typically steps in to fulfill this responsibility. However, if you prefer an independent individual or the property manager to preside over the meeting, it is essential to inform those in attendance and propose a motion to elect that person as the Chair. The election of an alternative Chair necessitates approval through a majority vote.

v. Confirmation of Notice

The chair or property manager confirms that notice requirements have been met.

vi. Approval of the Annual General Meeting Agenda

At this juncture, the Chair will inform those in attendance that the notice of the Annual General Meeting serves as the official agenda for the gathering. The Chair will then invite owners present to propose any additional agenda items they wish to discuss or clarify that owners may bring up new business matters during the designated “new business” or “any other business” sections, depending on the Chair’s preference.

However, it’s worth noting that in the case of a Special General Meeting, owners typically won’t have the opportunity to introduce new business items. Special General Meetings are convened for specific purposes, and the council is not obligated to entertain additional matters during these meetings.

vii. Reading and Disposing of any Unapproved Minutes

The strata corporation’s protocol dictates that the minutes of the most recent annual general meetings must receive approval at the subsequent annual general meeting. Typically, this entails the adoption and approval of the prior Annual General Meeting’s minutes during the next Annual General Meeting. However, if a Special General Meeting took place within the year, you would have already sanctioned the minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting during the Special General Meeting. Consequently, at the present Annual General Meeting, you’ll be endorsing the minutes of the Special General Meeting. Your property manager will be there to offer guidance throughout this process.

It’s important to note that there’s no need to recite the previous minutes aloud during the meeting. The minutes would have been distributed to all owners in advance, affording them ample time for review. Additionally, it’s our standard practice to enclose copies of the most recent general meeting minutes with our welcome letters to new owners. This ensures that even if there have been title transfers since the last general meeting, the new owners will have access to the minutes.

Occasionally, owners may desire amendments to the minutes if they believe there are inaccuracies. In such instances, they must propose a motion to rectify any errors or omissions in the minutes. For this motion to proceed, it must be seconded, and the Chair must then call for majority approval to endorse the amendments. After the amendments have been approved (or if there were no proposed amendments), the Chair will request a motion to approve the previous minutes, either as amended or as distributed. Once the motion is moved and seconded, a majority vote will confirm the approval of the previous minutes.

viii. Deal with Unfinished Business

There will rarely be unfinished business arising from the previous minutes. If there is, this is the time to deal with those issues. An example of unfinished business is a motion made at a previous general meeting directing the strata council to bring something back to the next general meeting for discussion.

ix. Receive Reports of Council Activities and Decisions

At this juncture in the meeting, the President typically offers a concise overview of the council’s activities over the past year to those in attendance. Additionally, if your strata corporation has established committees, it is customary for each committee chair to deliver a brief report at this point. This moment provides an excellent opportunity to address any overarching concerns within the strata corporation and express gratitude to those who have contributed to its well-being throughout the year. It’s a particularly positive and impactful segment of the meeting, one that warrants thoughtful preparation.

Moreover, if there are significant resolutions slated for discussion later in the meeting, this segment serves as an advantageous platform to set the stage for those resolutions.

x. Ratify New Rules

The Strata Property Act permits strata councils to make or amend rules governing the use of common property during the year. Any such new rules or amendments must be ratified by the ownership at the next occurring Annual General Meeting. If there are rules to be ratified, they must be contained in the notice and a majority vote resolution must be made and passed in order for them to remain in effect as rules of the strata corporation.

xi. Report on Insurance Coverage

The strata corporation’s insurance policy particulars are to be furnished to owners annually, with a comprehensive summary, including coverage values and deductibles, conveniently enclosed within the Annual General Meeting package. While it isn’t imperative to conduct an in-depth examination of the insurance, it is essential to underscore its inclusion in the package and offer a brief overview of the coverage. Rest assured, your property manager will be handling this aspect on your behalf.

xii. Approving the Accounts

This section is where the property manager, or the Treasurer, will review the extensive notes regarding the previous year’s operating statement that we will have provided as part of the Notice of Annual General Meeting package. These notes will outline how the strata corporation did over the previous year in respect to the various budget categories. Once this section has been reviewed, the Chair will ask if there are any questions from the floor and such questions will be answered by the property manager or the council, depending on your preferences.

Once any questions have been answered, the Chair will request a motion to approve the operating statement for the strata corporation for the current fiscal year.

xiii. Approving the Proposed Budget at the Annual General Meeting

When reviewing the proposed budget, either the property manager or the Treasurer will provide a concise overview of the detailed budget notes circulated for the upcoming fiscal year. Notable changes from the previous year’s budget will be emphasized and discussed.

Owners may occasionally raise concerns about specific budget items and have the opportunity to propose amendments during the meeting. To make an amendment, owners must have a mover and a seconder for the proposed change, and it must pass by a majority vote among owners present, either in person or by proxy.

If any amendments are approved, the budget must then be voted on “as amended,” requiring a majority vote in favor for the amended budget to be accepted. If multiple amendments arise, procedural complexities may emerge, but your property manager will assist in navigating these issues.

In some years, resolutions regarding expenditures from the contingency reserve fund or through special levies may arise. These special expenditure resolutions should be included within the proposed budget section to ensure they are voted on BEFORE final budget approval. As these resolutions can impact the overall budget, it’s prudent to delay approval of the proposed budget until the outcome of these special resolutions is determined.

If one or more of these resolutions are not passed, adjustments to the proposed budget will be necessary.

xiv. Deal with New Business

This is the section under which any bylaw amendments or non-financial special resolutions would be tabled and discussed. Any change to the bylaws requires a ¾ vote resolution in favour to pass. This is also the section for other new business that may have been identified when the owners were approving the agenda or that owners may have notified the strata corporation of, in writing, in advance of the meeting.

The Chair should ensure that all formal business identified in the Notice of Annual General Meeting is dealt with prior to having discussion on “new” items that may be identified by owners, in writing, before the meeting or at the start of the meeting when considering approval of the agenda.

xv. Elect a council

Strata council members need to be elected annually according to the Standard Bylaws. However, in many strata corporations, they have staggered term bylaws, which means only some council members stand for re-election each year. Regardless of the system in place, there will always be an election for some council members every year. If there are just enough owners willing to fill the available positions, they will usually be elected without a formal vote.

When it’s time to find new volunteers, there isn’t a strict procedure to follow. The best approach is for owners at the meeting to nominate individuals or ask for volunteers. If it seems like there will be an election for the available council spots, we recommend that prospective council members briefly introduce themselves and explain why they want to join the council before the vote. If a formal vote is necessary, owners will show their voting card (or proxies) to the property manager, who will provide them with a ballot.

Owners will then use the voting stations and a provided ballot box to cast their votes. After the voting is finished, the property manager and volunteer scrutineers will count the votes and announce the results.

xvi. Any Other Business

At this point in the meeting, the formal business that must be conducted has been completed and owners have a final chance to raise an issue or ask questions of the strata council or property manager. If it is getting late and there are a large number of issues, the Chair has the right to create rules with respect to the amount and length of time a person may speak, as long as they treat everyone equally.

xvii. Terminate the Meeting

Once all business is concluded, the chair calls for a motion to terminate the meeting or declares it terminated.

D. Voting at General Meetings

A recent legal decision has reshaped voting procedures in strata corporations, especially for secret ballots and council member elections. This decision aimed to prevent manipulation of votes by council members and certain owners.

To ensure fair voting, property managers bring election-style voting booths and ballot boxes to all general meetings. For secret ballots, owners present their voting cards to the property manager, receive a ballot, cast their vote privately, and deposit it in a sealed ballot box. Scrutineers then tally the votes. This process, though it may seem cumbersome, is efficient.

AGMs play a vital role in the functioning of strata corporations. Proper notice, adherence to procedures, and fair voting practices are key to ensuring that your voice is heard and decisions are made in the best interest of your strata community. Remember, your property manager is there to guide you through the process, so don’t hesitate to ask questions. We hope this guide helps you navigate your next Annual General Meeting with confidence and clarity.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

The Indispensable Role of a Strata Manager

The Indispensable Role of a Strata Manager

Navigating the Complex Web of High-Value Strata Corporations


Amidst the bustling heartbeats of urban metropolises, the horizon of cityscapes in places like British Columbia is punctuated by towering residential and commercial edifices. These are not just architectural marvels, but emblematic of a society that’s leaning increasingly towards strata-titled properties.

Strata living is an interwoven tapestry of diverse residents, varying amenities, shared responsibilities, and complex regulations. At the helm of these dynamic communities stands a pivotal figure, often operating behind the scenes, but holding the threads that keep the fabric intact – the role of a Strata Manager.

Delving into this career is akin to understanding the central nervous system of these properties, as Strata Managers shoulder the responsibility of overseeing strata corporations whose value often runs into hundreds of millions.

The Indispensable Role of a Strata Manager in Strata Property Management

It’s the role of the Strata Manager that often goes unnoticed. Yet, their influence permeates every brick, every shared space, and every communal decision. The Strata Manager is not just an administrative role but the very lifeblood of successful strata property management.

Consider the role of a Strata Manager.

Operational Maestro:

The day-to-day operation of a strata-titled property can be likened to running a small town. From ensuring that utilities are functioning seamlessly, overseeing cleaning and maintenance, to making sure security protocols are adhered to, the Strata Manager ensures that the property runs like a well-oiled machine.

Financial Custodian:

One of the most crucial aspects of managing a property is financial oversight. Strata Managers are responsible for budgeting, managing funds, ensuring timely collection of levies, paying bills, and overseeing any financial transactions. Their vigilant eye ensures that the property remains financially solvent and that residents get value for their contributions.

Legal Beacon:

Strata properties come with a set of by-laws, rules, and regulations stipulated by the Strata Property Act and the specific property’s constitution. The Strata Manager ensures that these are adhered to, offers advice on legal matters, and often mediates in conflicts to ensure compliance.

Community Builder:

Beyond bricks, mortar, and laws, a strata property is a community. The Strata Manager plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging. By organizing community events, addressing residents’ concerns, and ensuring effective communication, they create a harmonious living environment.

Emergency Responder:

When unforeseen issues arise, from maintenance emergencies to security threats, the Strata Manager is often the first point of call. Their ability to respond swiftly, make decisions under pressure, and mobilize resources can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a major catastrophe.

Liaison Expert:

Strata Managers are the nexus between residents, strata council members, contractors, service providers, and sometimes even municipal authorities. Their ability to communicate effectively and maintain harmonious relationships is key to the smooth functioning of the property.

In essence, the Strata Manager is the captain of the ship, navigating through calm waters and stormy seas, ensuring that the journey is smooth for all aboard. As strata properties grow in popularity and complexity, the role of the Strata Manager becomes even more critical, warranting a deeper appreciation and understanding of the myriad tasks they undertake and the challenges they overcome.


What Does it Take to Have a Career in Strata Management?



Strata Managers are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the Strata Property Act, as well as the specific by-laws and rules of each property they manage. Their duties range from convening and attending meetings, to overseeing maintenance, financial management, and addressing disputes among residents. Furthermore, they are expected to liaise with various stakeholders including residents, strata council members, contractors, and legal professionals.


In 2023, the compensation of a Strata Manager in British Columbia is competitive, reflective of the vast responsibilities they hold. However, it’s worth noting that salaries can vary widely based on the size and value of the strata corporation, the complexity of the tasks involved, and the Strata Manager’s experience and qualifications.

Working Hours:

Being a Strata Manager is not your standard 9 to 5 job. While there might be regular office hours for administration, Strata Managers often have to attend evening meetings, handle emergencies, or address unexpected maintenance issues. It’s a role that demands flexibility and availability beyond the typical workweek.

Attitude and Aptitude Required:

The ideal Strata Manager is a unique blend of various skills:

Administrative prowess: To handle paperwork, financial statements, and documentation efficiently.

Mediation skills: Handling disputes requires tact, neutrality, and patience.

Proactive mindset: They need to anticipate problems and come up with effective solutions.

Excellent communication: As a go-between for various stakeholders, clarity in communication is vital.

Career Growth:

For those who excel in the field, there are numerous avenues for growth. They might consider specializing in luxury or commercial stratas or even venturing into consultancy for developers creating new strata projects. With the right experience and possibly additional qualifications, one might even consider starting a strata management firm.

Balancing Strata Council Expectations and Realities:

This quote captures a unique dilemma: “No one is expecting a strata council to be a corporate administrator, and yet we place the operations of strata corporations often exceeding hundreds of millions in value, on the shoulders of the volunteers, and often without the budget resources necessary to retain qualified professionals.”

This observation underscores the importance of Strata Managers. They fill the critical gap between what is expected of a volunteer-driven strata council and the reality of managing a multimillion-dollar property. The weight of this responsibility is heavy, and it’s imperative that strata corporations recognize the value a qualified Strata Manager brings to the table. Balancing budgetary constraints with the need for professional oversight is a challenge, but one that must be met to ensure the longevity and success of the strata.

The role of a Strata Manager in 2023’s British Columbia is multifaceted and crucial. As strata living continues to be a preferred choice for many, it’s essential to shine a light on this career and give it the recognition and respect it deserves.

Not Legal Advice - The material provided on the StrataPress website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind and may not be used for professional or commercial purposes. No one should act, or refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided on this website, any hypertext links or other general information without first seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice. These materials may have no evidentiary value and should be checked against official sources before they are used for professional or commercial purposes. Your use of these materials is at your own risk.

10 Best Practices For Managing Strata Documents

10 Best Practices For Managing Strata Documents

If you are a strata owner living in British Columbia, you know how important it is to manage your strata documents efficiently. Strata documents are crucial for the proper functioning of a strata corporation, and they contain vital information about the strata property, finances, and rules and regulations. In this blog post, we will share the 10 best practices for managing strata documents that every strata owner in British Columbia should follow. By implementing these practices, you can ensure that your strata corporation operates smoothly, and you stay compliant with the laws and regulations governing strata properties in BC.

1. Implement an organized filing system

Having a clear and organized filing system is a vital aspect of effectively managing strata documents. It is crucial to establish a consistent approach for storing and organizing property management documents in a manner that is easily accessible when required. Properly managing strata documents involves creating a folder structure that makes sense for your strata corporation, labeling folders and files appropriately, and regularly reviewing and purging documents that are no longer needed. By implementing an organized filing system, you can streamline the process of managing strata documents and ensure that the right documents are always at your fingertips when you need them.

The first step in creating an organized filing system is to decide on a format for storing your documents. You can choose to store them in hard copy or electronically, or a combination of both. Once you have decided on a format, you can then create a folder structure that makes sense for your strata corporation. This folder structure should be consistent across all documents and should be intuitive to follow.

It’s important to label your folders and files appropriately, using clear and concise naming conventions. This helps you quickly locate the document you need without having to sift through a large number of files. For example, you can create folders for financial documents, meeting minutes, bylaws, and contracts, and then label each file within those folders with a clear and descriptive name.

2. Use Cloud Storage

Cloud storage provides several advantages, including easy accessibility, security, and convenience. By using cloud storage, you can store all your strata documents in one place, making it easy to access them from any device with an internet connection. This can be especially useful for strata managers who need to access documents while on the go or from a remote location.

Another significant benefit of cloud storage is its security features. Most cloud storage providers offer robust security measures to protect your data from cyber threats, such as encryption, firewalls, and two-factor authentication. Additionally, cloud storage reduces the risk of data loss, as it provides automatic backups, so even if your computer or device crashes, you won’t lose your important strata documents.

When using cloud storage for managing strata documents, it’s important to choose a reputable provider and ensure that your documents are securely stored. You should also establish a consistent folder structure and labeling system to organize your documents, making it easier to locate them when needed.

3. Regularly back up documents

Regular backups can be done in different ways, including using external hard drives, cloud storage, or other digital backup solutions. It’s essential to establish a consistent schedule for backing up your documents, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your needs and the frequency of document changes.

When backing up documents, it’s important to include all relevant files, including financial documents, meeting minutes, bylaws, and contracts. You should also ensure that the backup process is automated, so you don’t forget to do it manually. Automated backups can help you save time and ensure that all important documents are regularly backed up.

It’s also important to store backups in a secure location, such as an off-site storage facility or cloud storage. This ensures that if there is a physical disaster like a fire or flood, your documents will still be safe and accessible.

4. Adhere to record retention policies

Adhering to record retention policies is an essential best practice for managing strata documents. It is crucial to be aware of the legal requirements for retaining documents and ensure that they are kept for the required amount of time in accordance with the Strata Property Act of British Columbia.

The Strata Property Act of British Columbia mandates specific retention periods for different types of strata documents. For example, financial documents such as accounting records, budgets, and financial statements should be kept for at least six years. Meeting minutes, bylaws, and rules should be retained indefinitely, while contracts and other legal documents should be retained for ten years after the contract’s end date.

It’s important to ensure that your strata corporation is complying with these retention requirements to avoid legal penalties and ensure that you have the documents you need when you need them. You can establish a clear policy for document retention that outlines the types of documents you need to retain and the retention periods for each. This policy should be communicated to all stakeholders and followed consistently across the organization.

Properly managing strata documents involves maintaining accurate records and having a reliable system for retaining and disposing of them when necessary. It’s also essential to keep documents organized and easily accessible to those who need them, whether it’s strata managers, board members, or residents.

5. Digitize and automate document management processes

Digitizing and automating document management processes is a best practice that can help strata corporations manage their documents more efficiently. By leveraging technology to manage strata documents, you can reduce the risk of manual errors and increase efficiency.

Digitizing documents involves converting physical documents into electronic format, making them easier to access, search, and share. This can be done using scanning technology, which converts hard copies into digital files that can be stored in a central location. Once digitized, you can establish a consistent naming convention and folder structure to organize your documents, making it easier to search and retrieve them.

Automating document management processes involves using software tools to manage and automate document workflows, such as document routing, approvals, and notifications. This can help streamline the document management process, reduce delays and errors, and increase productivity.

Using digital signatures and document management software can also help automate document management processes. With digital signatures, you can sign documents electronically, saving time and eliminating the need to print, sign, and scan physical documents. Document management software can help automate workflows, track document versions, and ensure compliance with legal requirements and retention policies.

6. Ensure document security

Digitizing and automating document management processes is a best practice that can help strata corporations manage their documents more efficiently. By leveraging technology to manage strata documents, you can reduce the risk of manual errors and increase efficiency.

Digitizing documents involves converting physical documents into electronic format, making them easier to access, search, and share. This can be done using scanning technology, which converts hard copies into digital files that can be stored in a central location. Once digitized, you can establish a consistent naming convention and folder structure to organize your documents, making it easier to search and retrieve them.

Automating document management processes involves using software tools to manage and automate document workflows, such as document routing, approvals, and notifications. This can help streamline the document management process, reduce delays and errors, and increase productivity.

Document management software can help automate workflows, track document versions, and ensure compliance with legal requirements and retention policies.

7. Use electronic signatures

Using electronic signatures is a best practice for managing strata documents, especially when it comes to signing and approving documents like Form B and Form F certificates. Electronic signatures can streamline the document approval process, making it faster and more convenient for strata corporations.

Electronic signatures involve using digital signatures instead of handwritten signatures. They are legally binding and recognized by law in many jurisdictions, including British Columbia. Electronic signatures can be applied to documents in several ways, including through software tools, mobile apps, and cloud-based services.

By using electronic signatures, strata corporations can eliminate the need for physical signatures, saving time and reducing errors. Electronic signatures also allow multiple parties to sign the same document remotely, making it easier to obtain signatures from all required parties in a timely manner.

Using electronic signatures can also help track document versions and ensure that the right people have signed the document. This can help reduce the risk of errors, delays, and legal disputes.

8. Establish a clear approval process

Establishing a clear approval process is an essential best practice for managing strata documents effectively. A clear approval process ensures that documents are approved and signed by the right individuals, reducing the risk of errors, delays, and legal disputes.

The first step in establishing a clear approval process is to identify who needs to sign or approve each type of document. This can include board members, strata managers, and other stakeholders, depending on the document’s type and purpose.

Once you have identified the individuals who need to sign or approve the document, you can establish a clear process for obtaining their signatures. This can include setting up a specific order for signatures, establishing a timeline for signatures, and using electronic signatures to speed up the process.

It’s also important to establish clear guidelines for approving and signing documents. This includes setting up a process for reviewing documents, ensuring that they comply with legal requirements and retention policies, and verifying the accuracy of the information in the document.

In addition to establishing a clear approval process, it’s also essential to communicate this process to all stakeholders. This includes board members, strata managers, and residents. By communicating the approval process clearly, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and can follow the process correctly.

9. Regularly review and update documents

Regularly reviewing and updating documents is an essential best practice for managing strata documents effectively. By reviewing and updating documents on a regular basis, strata corporations can ensure that their documents are up-to-date, accurate, and comply with legal requirements.

The first step in reviewing documents is to establish a schedule for document review. This can include reviewing documents annually or semi-annually, depending on the type of document and its importance. During the review process, it’s essential to verify that the documents are accurate and up-to-date.

During the review process, you can also identify any gaps or missing information in the documents. This can help ensure that all required information is included in the documents and that they are comprehensive and accurate.

Once you have completed the document review process, it’s important to update the documents as necessary. This includes adding new information, removing outdated information, and correcting any errors or inaccuracies.

By keeping documents up-to-date and accurate, strata corporations can ensure compliance with legal requirements, reduce the risk of errors, and increase efficiency.

10. Provide training to staff

Providing training to staff is a best practice for managing strata documents effectively. If you operate a strata management business, it’s important to train your staff on best practices for managing documents so they understand the importance of proper document management and how to handle documents correctly.

Training can include educating staff on the legal requirements for document management, such as the retention periods for different types of documents, and the importance of document security. It can also include training on how to organize and manage documents effectively, including establishing a folder structure and labeling system, and using software tools to automate workflows.

By providing training to staff, you can ensure that everyone in your organization understands the importance of proper document management and how to handle documents correctly. This can help reduce errors, increase efficiency, and ensure compliance with legal requirements and retention policies.

Training can also help staff stay up-to-date with changes in document management practices and technology. For example, training can be provided on new software tools for managing documents or new legal requirements for document retention.

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6 Proven Strategies for Reducing Utility Bills Within a Strata Corporation

6 Proven Strategies for Reducing Utility Bills Within a Strata Corporation

Strata owners can participate in reducing utility bills and lowering energy consumption through collaborating and advocating for sustainable practices within their strata corporation. By implementing these 6 simple strategies, not only will the strata corporations save on energy costs, but they will also be creating a more eco-friendly and cost-effective living environment for all residents. By reducing energy consumption, strata corporations can contribute to a greener future.

1. Energy-efficient lighting

Replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights is a simple and effective way to reduce energy consumption and reduce utility bills in a strata corporation. LED lights use much less energy than incandescent bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer. This means that strata corporations can save money on electricity bills and reduce their carbon footprint by making the switch. LED lights also produce less heat, reducing the strain on cooling systems and leading to further energy savings. By choosing energy-efficient lighting, strata corporations can make a meaningful impact on their energy consumption and create a more cost-effective and sustainable living environment for residents.

Upgrading from High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) High Intensity Discharge (HID) light fixtures commonly found in parking garages to LED lighting has multiple advantages. LED lights are a cost-effective option for cutting energy consumption and electricity expenses as they consume significantly less energy compared to HPS and MH. In addition, LED lights boast longer lifespan and increased durability, minimizing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements, leading to reduced maintenance costs and reduce energy consumption. Moreover, LED lights offer brighter and more consistent lighting, enhancing visibility and safety within the parking garage.

2. Smart Thermostats

Installing smart thermostats has numerous advantages that can help regulate temperature and reduce energy consumption. These advanced thermostats are equipped with features that allow for automatic temperature adjustment based on occupancy and usage patterns. By using real-time data and occupancy sensors, smart thermostats can efficiently regulate the temperature and ensure that the temperature is not set too high or low when the room is unoccupied. This results in more efficient energy usage and significant energy savings, as well as improved comfort levels.

Furthermore, smart thermostats also offer remote access through a mobile app or web portal, enabling you to adjust the temperature from anywhere and make changes to your schedule on the go. These innovative devices provide a convenient and efficient solution to managing your home’s temperature and energy consumption.

3. Water conservation

Installing low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets is an effective way of reducing water consumption and lowering water bills in a strata corporation. These products use less water without sacrificing performance, making them an ideal solution for reducing utility bills. Additionally, fixing leaks and promoting water conservation habits among residents can significantly contribute to lower water bills. Simple actions such as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, and fixing leaky taps can all make a big difference in reducing water consumption.

By implementing these changes, strata corporations can reduce their water usage and lower their water bills, making a positive impact on the environment and contributing to reducing utility bills in a strata corporation.

4. Insulation and Weatherproofing

Proper insulation and weatherproofing are key factors in reducing energy bills in a strata corporation. In the winter, these measures can prevent heat loss, reducing the need for heating systems to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. In the summer, insulation and weatherproofing can prevent heat gain, reducing the need for cooling systems to work overtime. By reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling, strata corporations can lower their energy bills and contribute to a more sustainable living environment.

Proper insulation and weatherproofing can be achieved through a variety of methods such as installing proper insulation in walls and attics, sealing air leaks around doors and windows, and installing weather stripping. By implementing these measures, strata corporations can create a comfortable living environment while reducing energy consumption and lower their energy bills.

5. Energy-efficient appliances

Replacing old and inefficient appliances with Energy Star-rated ones can have a significant impact on reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills in a strata corporation. Energy Star-rated appliances are designed to be more energy-efficient, helping to reduce energy waste and save money on energy bills. These appliances use less energy to perform the same tasks, making them an excellent investment for strata corporations looking to reduce their energy consumption and save money on utility bills.

Replacing old appliances with Energy Star-rated ones can range from refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers to lighting fixtures and heating and cooling systems. By investing in Energy Star-rated appliances, strata corporations can reduce their energy consumption, lower their energy bills, and contribute to a more sustainable living environment.

Read more about how smart devices can make your home sustainable.

6. Encouraging residents to adopt sustainable habits

Encouraging residents to adopt energy-saving habits can play a significant role in reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills in a strata corporation. Simple actions such as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using natural light whenever possible, and taking short showers can make a big impact. By reducing energy waste and promoting energy-efficient practices, residents can help lower the energy consumption of the strata corporation and save money on utility bills.

Additionally, educating residents about the importance of energy conservation and providing tips and resources for energy-saving practices can help reinforce these habits and make them a part of daily routines. By working together, residents can create a more sustainable living environment and reduce their impact on the environment while saving money on their utility bills.

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5 Important Reasons To Have A Depreciation Report

5 Important Reasons To Have A Depreciation Report

A depreciation report for strata corporations in British Columbia is a document that outlines the current condition and estimated remaining useful life of the common property and assets of a strata corporation. The report is typically prepared by a professional engineer or other qualified person, and is used to help the strata council plan for and budget for future repairs and replacements of common property and assets. The report also contains information on the replacement cost of the assets and the estimated reserve fund. This report is mandatory for Strata Corporations in British Columbia to have after 2010.

1. Planning and Budgeting

A depreciation report helps a strata corporation plan for and budget for future repairs and replacements of common property and assets. This information is critical for the strata council to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and maintain the building.

Planning and budgeting are indispensable aspects of efficient strata management. A depreciation report is a valuable tool for strata councils to make informed decisions about the planning and budgeting of repairs and maintenance on common property or assets. Such a report provides detailed information, including estimated lifecycles and replacement costs, that can enable planning for both short-term repairs as well as long-term projects. Armed with this document, members of the strata council can work constructively to ensure that resources are allocated appropriately and that potential risks are addressed in order to maintain a high standard and integrity for the building.

2. Legal Compliance

In British Columbia, strata corporations are required to have a depreciation report after 2010. Failing to have one can result in legal penalties.

In British Columbia, strata corporations must take the essential step of obtaining a depreciation report after 2010 in order to stay compliant with legal standards. The penalties for not having one can range from suspension of strata services to financial fines – this could cost both time and money if penalties are incurred. Even though obtaining a depreciation report is mandated by law and can be intimidating, it is necessary to ensure that your strata property remains complaint and meets legal requirements.

3. Asset Management

Depreciation reports provide an overview of the current condition and estimated remaining useful life of the common property and assets. This information is useful for the strata council to prioritize repairs and replacements and to make informed decisions about the maintenance of the building.

Asset management is an important part of ensuring that a strata building remains value-driven, and depreciation reports provide a helpful overview of the current condition of common assets and properties in order to help the strata council make informed decisions. This ensures that strata owners can maintain their asset, with necessary repairs and replacements prioritized according to expected remaining useful life, thereby preserving its value over the long term. Asset management is integral to keeping buildings in safe, good condition.

4. Contingency Reserve Fund

Depreciation reports also provide information on the replacement cost of the assets and the estimated reserve fund. This information is important for the strata council to plan for how to fund future repairs and replacements and to ensure that the reserve fund is sufficient to cover the costs.

The contingency reserve fund and the accurate information it provides are essential for the effective financial planning of any strata council. Depreciation reports allow detailed, up-to-date insight on the replacement costs associated with maintaining the building, enabling council to budget life cycle expenses and plan future repairs. A reserve fund that is large enough to cover these costs can ensure that owners are not faced with unexpected levies or special assessments. It is also important to consider that good maintenance of shared property or buildings can help protect its value. With detailed reserve fund information available in depreciation reports, strata councils have the opportunity to best manage their resources for monthly budgets and anticipated expenditures.

5. Transparency and Fairness

Depreciation reports provide transparency to the strata owners about the condition of the building and the estimated costs of future repairs and replacements. This information is important for the strata owners to understand the financial health of the building and to make informed decisions about their investment in the property.

Transparency and fairness are essential in providing direction for strata management teams. By offering depreciation reports to strata owners, transparency enables them to understand the financial health of the building, make well-informed decisions about their investment in the property, and distribute shared budgeting costs equally among all owners. With this information being made available, it increases awareness and allows everyone involved to work together as a team towards common goals by having detailed data on hand. As a result, this helps foster a sense of communal transparency and equality throughout the property.

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